
I gained some valuable perspective this week about life when I heard that someone I grew up with was in Hospice Care due to an illness and was actively dying.  My heart broke when I heard the news- how can this be, so young, not what is supposed to happen, not fair, angry, pissed off, why- all those questions that come to mind when someone too young claims their new life which I believe to be eternal.  It seems lately that so many I know are experiencing life-altering things- things that will shake them and their’s up forever and it has truly made me stop….stop and take a look at truly how blessed I am in my place, my life and my time.  I thought it might be helpful to write myself a note- a thought of this when listening to May Erlewine (one of the best musicians around)  song  “Note to Self”.  A truly inspiring song, that has inspired me many times to think…and be thankful.

Dear Self,

Wake up.  Though there are days that things don’t go the way you want them to go, days when your own life seems unfair and painful, days when you just want to be grumpy and complain a lot- don’t!  I mean, sure there is good reason sometimes to be sad- that’s okay and necessary, and yes there are days you must deal with pain that is real- again that’s okay and necessary- at the end of the day you really have it good.  You have a family that loves you, a community that blesses you, a vocation that fulfills you and a body that is healthy.  Buck up- I like that- buck up, be thankful and deal with what is in front of you.  Be thankful, be happy, be blessed- live for today and make every moment count.

So what about the pain that you do feel?  What about the pain that other’s feel and experience?  Good questions dear self.  Don’t run away from that, and don’t minimize the hard journey that some people face and that even you may face on occasion but dear self be mindful of how good this life is that you have.  Sure, I get it you want more sometime, more money- less debt, more fixes and less problems- more time and less work- but really self all you have is a gift from God- all of it.

I was thinking self the other day about what a great hope you have in the ultimate promise that God is a God that is with you, that walks with you that never abandons you- I mean in the face of everything that comes your way this is what you need to stand on.  No matter what else changes, shakes, even crumbles I know that promise never will and in the end, finally, that is the only thing that matters!  God never abandons, never changes, never leaves you- wow.

So yes, dear self, life will happen.  It is inevitable that tragedy will impact those you love and maybe even you.  Hardship will be reality and need will always exist.  But even those things don’t compare to the promise you have from that God who loves you.

Remember, as you live dear self that every day, every moment, every breath is a gift.

Be blessed, be at peace.

About grimmja

Justin Grimm serves as the Director for Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop for Next Generation Ministries in the Saint Paul Area Synod of the ELCA. Before this call, he served as a pastor in Lake Ann Michigan at Advent Lutheran Church. After graduating from Luther Seminary in 2005, he was called to start a new congregation in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. After much prayer and thought with his wife, he accepted and the journey has been rich. The source of his life and his energy comes from his bride Anna and his two children Logan and Payton. At the core of who he is, Justin sees each day on this earth as a gift and tries hard (though failing often) to live that promise out. Contact can be made at
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1 Response to Perspective

  1. Juanita says:

    Sorry for your pain dear friend, comforted to know that God has you!

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